Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 6-9th Spelling Words

Here are the spelling words for this week:

  1. wet
  2. rest
  3. left
  4. plum
  5. hot
  6. lunch
  7. job
  8. spot
  9. spend
  10. nut
  11. get
  12. hug
  13. mud
  14. help
  15. net
  16. not
 Spelling homework is the same every week. The only difference.... the words!

Monday: Write each word 5 times.
Tuesday: Write each word in a sentence
Wednesday: Write the consonants in blue and the vowels in red: hot
Thursday: Write the words in alphabetical order

In addition students have reading homework. This week I sent home a reading log. Students should read for 10 minutes every night and document it on the reading log. Students may read any book of their choice for right now. Once I am able to assess reading levels, your child will bring home books from the classroom to read. We went to the library today, so students should have books to read from. Thank you for all of your help and encouraging your child in reading and spelling at home!

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