Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pizza Ranch

On Thursday, we had our first field trip of the year. If you are a teacher, you know that students expect you to know everything. I had a million questions about what was going to happen on the trip and I had no idea! I told them I was learning with them. We left the school at 9:15 in our colorful t-shirts, ready to represent our school with pride. Upon arrival at Pizza Ranch we were rushed to our first activity. Throughout the course of the day we went to several rotations and learned about agriculture and the connection to a favorite food of a lot of kids... PIZZA! The kids got to see a huge tractor, steer, pigs, chicks, rooster, hen and a dairy cow. We saw a man actually milk the dairy cow and the kiddos got to pet the chicks, rooster, and hen. We had a little complaining because it was hot, humid, smelly (think farm smell), and the kids were hungry. Considering they are used to a snack at 9:30 and they didn't eat until 1:00 I think they did great! They were well behaved and only complained a little bit. Even though they couldn't hear that well, they tried their hardest to hear what the people were saying. After our last session, our bus was running late so the kids ran in the field to wear off some of their energy.


  1. Awh man - if only you could take them to "THE" family pig farm...or Grampa's dairy farm of yesteryear!!!

    Good times...lovin' the blog!!!!

  2. I know! It would have been a better experience and more hands on! :)
