Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Idea... we'll see how it goes

In the past, this has been a blog to educate my parents about events in our classroom. However, I always wanted to create a blog about my adventures in the classroom. (Names have been changed to protect the innocent) *smile* Kids are funny people and say funny things and do amazing things. This blog is where I will share the challenges, adventures, funny stories and touching stories about my students. In the past I have taught kindergarten for 5 years and third for 1 year. This year, my principal asked me to move up to fourth grade. I'm a little nervous because we add another state test, writing. However, I know the kids from last year and have a few of my students from my class.

We have had an interesting first month of school. We had a lot of ups and downs and have been working hard on becoming a school family. We have stopped lessons to do the time machine (a problem solving strategy) many times and encouraged each other a lot! Here are some notes from the first month about exciting events.

* In science we were studying the three states of matter. What better way to show the three states, than with dry ice? My kids thought is was very cool and enjoyed playing in the "fog" and watching the bubbles go over the container from the gas building them up. I got my first "Mrs. Edugator you are awesome!" when I had to throw the dry ice on the floor to break it.

* We have been having a hard time working together as a school family and following directions so I emailed my principal with a plan that I had. This past week we worked as a class to earn 15 minutes on Friday playing Guitar Hero on the Playstation. My class thought this was amazing and we had the best week ever! Yes, I am that teacher... We played Guitar Hero and I saw amazing team work and students helping each other with the ones that had never played before. It was so great!

* We are learning the steps to Thriller. My kids are huge MJ fans!

* We had speeches this week about something we are an expert on. I modeled my speech on Florida Football. I am in no way an "expert" but to my class I am. :) One student said, "I've never had a teacher that knew so much about football". Ha ha! Now you do!

I have had a lot of challenges in the first week with behaviors but it is amazing how I can see changes in the students already in improving their behavior. I am looking forward to a fun year and getting to know these amazing kids in my class.

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